产品名称 编号 产品说明 单位 单价 加入购物车
聚合物羧基磁珠 70121 1 mL 询价
聚合物羧基磁珠 70121-5 5 mL 询价
聚合物羧基磁珠 70121-50 50 mL 询价
聚合物羧基磁珠 70121-100 100 mL 询价
聚合物羧基磁珠(3μm) 70117-5 5 mL, 10 mg/mL, 3 μm ¥1060.00
聚合物羧基磁珠(3μm) 70117-50 50 mL, 10 mg/mL,3 μm ¥5460.00
环氧磁珠300nm P07990027 10mL,50mg/mL,300nm ¥5970.00
氨基磁珠(2 μm) 70202-5 5 mL, 10 mg/mL, 2 μm ¥1060.00
氨基磁珠(2 μm) 70202-50 50 mL, 10 mg/mL, 2 μm ¥5460.00
羧基磁珠 (2 μm) 70102-5 5 mL, 10 mg/mL, 2 μm ¥1060.00
羧基磁珠 (2 μm) 70102-50 50 mL, 10 mg/mL, 2 μm ¥5460.00
羧基磁珠 (1 μm) 70104-5 5 mL, 10 mg/mL, 1 μm ¥1060.00
羧基磁珠 (1 μm) 70104-50 50 mL, 10 mg/mL, 1 μm ¥5460.00
羧基磁珠 (5 μm) 70105-5 5 mL, 10 mg/mL, 5 μm ¥1060.00
羧基磁珠 (5 μm) 70105-50 50 mL, 10 mg/mL, 5 μm ¥5460.00
羧基磁珠 (300 nm) 70106-5 5 mL, 10 mg/mL, 300 nm ¥1060.00
羧基磁珠 (300 nm) 70106-50 50 mL, 10 mg/mL, 300 nm ¥5460.00
羧基磁珠 (2.8 μm) 70109-5 5 mL, 10 mg/mL, 2.8 μm ¥1060.00
羧基磁珠 (2.8 μm) 70109-50 50 mL, 10 mg/mL, 2.8 μm ¥5460.00
羧基磁珠 (2.8 μm) 70109H-5 5 mL, 10 mg/mL, 2.8 μm ¥1060.00
羧基磁珠 (2.8 μm) 70109H-50 50 mL, 10 mg/mL, 2.8 μm ¥5460.00

BeaverBeads™ 聚合物磁珠采用先进的高分子聚合技术将超顺磁性材料和高分子材料完美地结合在一起,形成的一种新型功能化磁性微球。与传统磁珠相比,具有更快的磁响应性同时保持微球良好的分散性、极低的非特异性吸附和更丰富的结合位点,能便捷高效地与多种生物配体(蛋白、多肽、寡聚核苷酸、药物分子等)进行高载量结合,可作为良好的基础材料进行包被、吸附、化学改性等后续处理,是医学与分子生物学、体外诊断中重要的载体工具。

BeaverBeads™ 聚合物磁珠能够在特殊化学试剂的作用下将多肽、蛋白、寡聚核苷酸等生物配体共价偶联到微球表面。适用于:免疫检测、探针捕获、细胞分选、细菌捕获等。


• 超顺磁性

• 快速磁响应性

• 丰富的表面官能团

• 单分散性

• 亚微米尺度粒径


1. Background-free and signal-amplified upconversion fluorescent biosensing platform for sensitive detection of CYFRA21-1. Talanta, 2023.9.

2. Development of an immunomagnetic bead clean-up ELISA method for detection of Maduramicin using single-chain antibody in chicken muscle. Food and Agricultural Immunology, 2021, 32(1): 820-836. DOI: 10.1080/09540105.2021.1998388.

3. Establishment of time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay of IgG4 based on magnetic microspheres. Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis, 2021: e23874. DOI: 10.1002/jcla.23874.

4. Active droplet-array microfluidics-based chemiluminescence immunoassay for point-of-care detection of procalcitonin. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Volume 195, 1 January 2022, 113684.

5. Site-specific, covalent immobilization of PNGase F on magnetic particles mediated by microbial transglutaminase. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2023, 2.
